MAGI, Polytechnique Montréal
Université de Montréal
Universite de Technologie de Troyes
Education and Positions
since 2021: Professor, Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada.
since 2015: Professor, Computer Science, PUC-Rio - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2014: Visiting Researcher, Tecgraf Institute, PUC-Rio - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2013: Postdoctoral Researcher, Production and Operations Management (POM), University of Vienna (UniWien), Austria.
2013-2014: Postdoctoral Researcher, Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA.
Ph.D, CIRRELT-DIRO, Université de Montréal, Canada, and ICD-LOSI, Université de Technologie de Troyes, France (joint degree) Engineer & Master Degree Operations Research and Combinatorial Optimization. ENSIMAG & Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
Research Prizes
![Robert Faure Prize -- 2018 Robert Faure Prize -- 2018](Robert_Faure_Prize.jpg)
Recipient of the Robert Faure Prize at ROADEF 2018. The Robert Faure Prize (in tribute to Professor Robert Faure, pioneer of operations research in France) is awarded every three years to recognize significant contributions in mathematical optimization, operations research and graph theory. A special emphasis is given on works that combine new methodological developments with important industrial applications. The prize is awarded by the French operations research society (ROADEF) to a researcher under 35 years. More info here: Robert Faure Prize Webpage (in French)
![Photo TSL best paper award -- 2017 Photo TSL best paper award -- 2017](Photo_TSL2.jpg)
September 2016 : Recipient of the TSL Best Paper Award 2016 from the Transportation Science and Logistics Section (TSL), INFORMS. This award was granted to our paper, T. Vidal, T., Crainic, T.G., Gendreau M., Prins, C., A Unified Solution Framework for Multi-Attribute Vehicle Routing Problems, European Journal of Operational Research, 234(3), 658--673, 2014. The TSL Best Paper Award is given every year to an outstanding paper in the field of transportation science and logistics. The paper must have been published in a refereed journal and must present innovative approaches for solving complex problems in transportation and/or logistics, with an emphasis on operations research and quantitative methods. TSL Prize Webpage
![Photo EURO best paper award -- 2016 Photo EURO best paper award -- 2016](Photo_EURO.jpg)
July 2016 : Recipient of the EJOR Best Paper Award, 2016, category "Theory and Methodology". This award was granted to our paper, T. Vidal, T., Crainic, T.G., Gendreau M., Prins, C., A Unified Solution Framework for Multi-Attribute Vehicle Routing Problems, European Journal of Operational Research, 234(3), 658--673, 2014. The EJOR Best Paper Award is given every year to an outstanding paper published in European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) 2 years ago. EJOR is a very well reputed journal, the largest international journal dedicated to operations research, optimization and management science. In 2014, 652 articles were published in EJOR, and 530 of these were in the category "Theory and Methodology". Receiving the "best paper" in this significant selection of articles is a very pleasing reward. More information here.
![Productivity rates Productivity rates : Kaggle challenge -- Helping Santa's Helpers](Prod-Rating.png)
January 2015 : Ranked 4th out of 439 teams in a data science and optimization challenge sponsored by FICO. The challenge required to solve a huge scale production scheduling problem, considering 10,000,000 products on 900 machines, as well as learning and deterioration effects which lead to non-trivial variations of productivity. We attacked this problem with two of my best students : Teobaldo L.B. Júnior and Raphael H. Kramer. A simple optimization tool was created, achieving an objective value within 0.27% of the best known solution. Our algorithm has the particularity to perform very well on some general production-scheduling problems with learning and deterioration effects, that is, it is not only specific to the particular dataset of the challenge and can be used in various other contexts. Kaggle/FICO Challenge : Helping Santa's Helpers
![Photo TSL prize ceremony -- Goel, Vidal Photo TSL prize ceremony -- Goel, Vidal](Photo_TSL.jpg)
November 2014 : Recipient of the TSL Best Paper Award 2014 from the Transportation Science and Logistics Section (TSL), INFORMS. This award was granted to our paper, A. Goel and T. Vidal, Hours of service regulations in road freight transport: an optimization-based international assessment, Transportation Science, 48(3), 391--412, 2014. The TSL Best Paper Award is given every year to an outstanding paper in the field of transportation science and logistics. The paper must have been published in a refereed journal and must present innovative approaches for solving complex problems in transportation and/or logistics, with an emphasis on operations research and quantitative methods. TSL Prize Webpage
![Invited Talk at Amazon.com Invited Talk at Amazon.com](Talking-Amazon.jpg)
July 2013 : VeRoLog Dissertation Award, EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization. VeRoLog Webpage
June 2013 : PGMO Doctoral Dissertation Award, Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization and Operations Research. PGMO Webpage
May 2013 : Ph.D Thesis on Dean's honor list, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral studies, Université de Montréal. Liste d'honneur du doyen
February 2013 : ROADEF Young Researcher Prize, French Operations Research and Decision Support Society. ROADEF Website
July 2011 : Award of excellence, Department of Computer Science and Operations Research, Université de Montréal
February 2011 : Award of excellence, CIRRELT - Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation
Consulting, Entrepreneurship and other applied projects
2012-2014 (800h) : Optimization of a large-scale car-hauling networks. New software to design real-time itineraries: every 5min for 3000 drivers and around 80.000 deliveries in the presence of a large set of operational constraints. Delivery of a prototype, and support for maintenance and integration.
2012-2013 (200h) : Advice and development of optimization software libraries for combinatorial optimization problems.
2011-2012 : Real-time relocation of processes to maximize resource usage in Google CPU cloud . Addressing this large scale practical problem in a competition open to more than seventy teams. ROADEF challenge, Google.
2008 (5months) : Computer-aided design of the shape of cooling systems. Large scale non-linear mathematical models seeking to find the optimal configuration. Modeling, simulation, optimization and validation. CS, Communication & Systems.
2007-2008 : Direction of a company creation project. "AVES, new communication for the WEB 2.0".